Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.146: The MOST Important Real Estate Summit in 2024

On today’s episode, Darren is joined by Michael Sarracini, CEO and Co-founder of Keyspire. They chat about how Michael got started in real estate investing, how he was able to scale his business, and what he thinks are the top 3 challenges facing real estate investors today, among other things. Tune in now!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.145: Debunking the Term Insurance Myth

On today’s episode, Darren and Christina are debunking a popular financial myth: buy term insurance and invest the difference somewhere like the stock market. Although there is certainly a time and a place for term insurance, this is NOT the way. Check out the episode to learn why that is and Darren and Christina’s advice for what you should actually be doing instead. Tune in now!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.144: What We’ve Learned About Infinite Banking

On today’s episode it’s the September update, where did summer go?! Darren and Christina chat about the Bank of Canada and where they think interest rates are heading for Q4, the Canadian dollar, economic news including revisiting the capital gains tax, house prices ac

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.143: Are Interest Rates Coming Down This Month?

On today’s episode, Darren and Christina are joined by wealth coaches Dan Spry and Connor Eagleson to discuss infinite banking and what made them decide to join the Control and Compound team. Dan speaks on his experience in the traditional banking world and why switching to infinite banking made sense, Connor talks about using infinite banking when his mortgage renewal was coming up and Christina and Darren chat about their biggest takeaways from working with the infinite banking concept over the years. Tune in now!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.142: Debunking 10 MYTHS From Your Financial Advisor

On today’s episode, Darren and Christina are pulling back the curtain on 10 myths that you’ve been told by your financial advisor! You’ll be surprised with some of these and we’ve gone over a few in past episodes but some of the myths include average rate of return vs. actual rate of return, having emergency an fund in the form of cash, as well as retiring in a lower tax bracket. If you feel like you’re not getting all the information you need, it’s time to tune in!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.141: Unpacking Corporate Investment Strategies

On today’s episode, Darren and Christina are breaking down corporate investment strategies and how they are taxed inside a corporation including passive income, capital gains, mutual funds, as well as real estate. Stick around until they end where they go over corporate life insurance and why it can be one of the best investment strategies within a corporation. Tune in now!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.140: The TRUE Cost of Acquisition

On today’s episode, Darren and Christina are back with another installment in the Becoming Your Own Banker series and they’ll be covering page 68. On this page, Nash talks about the cost of financing vs. the cost of acquisition, why it’s so important to know the difference, and of course, how this all applies to the infinite banking concept!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.139: The BEST Time to Invest in Real Estate in Canada

On today’s episode, Darren is pleased to be joined by guest Patrick Francey, CEO of REIN Canada and Host/Creator of The Everyday Millionaire Podcast. The two chat about how Patrick got started in entrepreneurship, why it’s important to treat real estate investing like a business, the importance of strong company culture, as well as commentary on certain government policies aimed to alleviate the current housing shortage facing Canadians among other things. Tune in now!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.138: ANOTHER Housing Tax on Canadians?!

On today’s episode, it’s the August update! Darren and Christina discuss the new interest rate, where the Canadian dollar stands, some interesting stock market and bitcoin news as well as a breakdown of Canada’s progressive tax system. Here’s a little hint, the wealthy pay more tax than you think!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.137: Retirement in Canada vs. USA

On this week’s episode, Darren and Christina are breaking down retirement benefits and plans in Canada vs. the USA including RRSP vs. 401(k), TFSA vs. Roth IRA, and of course they compare the similarities and differences between infinite banking in Canada and in the USA. Tune in now!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.136: 3 EASY Steps to Implementing the Infinite Banking

On today’s episode, Christina and Darren break down the 3 steps you need to take to successfully implement the infinite banking concept including educating yourself, learning about the concept and where to save your money, how to take advantage of opportunities and investments to multiply your money, and stressing the importance of repaying back your loan. They also have a bonus step at the end so stick around and check it out!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.135: Retire STRESS FREE and with MORE MONEY

On today’s episode, Darren and Christina are breaking down why you need high cash value life insurance to have a stress free retirement with more money and more freedom to spend that money. The two break down the major risks we face in retirement (including inflation and taxable income) and how a high cash value life insurance policy can mitigate these risks. Tune in now!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.134: FINANCIAL ADVICE: What We Would Tell Our Younger Selves

On today’s episode, we’re doing an audience request episode! Darren and Christina are breaking down what they would tell their younger selves if they knew then what they know now! They chat about the importance of investing in yourself, avoiding things like lifestyle inflation and bad credit, as well as why you need to understand how to compound and control your money properly. This was an incredibly informative episode, tune in now!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.133: The PROS and CONS of Multi Family Real Estate Investing

On today’s episode, Darren is joined by Shane Unruh, Founder and CEO of XS Asset Management, a vertically integrated asset management company that identifies, purchases and manages large scale multifamily apartments. Darren and Shane talk about how Shane got into the multi-family business, how he started his company, the challenges and success stories, as well as where he sees market trends going in Alberta and Canada at large. Tune in now!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.132: Will Interest Rates Drop Again This Year?

Happy Canada Day everyone! On today’s episode, it’s the July update! Darren and Christina chat about the new interest rate announcement and what they expect for the rest of the year, updates on the Canadian dollar, stock market, and real estate market, as well as industry news and some exciting Control and Compound news! Tune in now.

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.131: Grow Your Money and Spend Your Money TAX FREE

On today’s episode, Darren and Christina are breaking down the corporate insured retirement plan. We’ve had a lot of you request this episode so we’re excited to share our thoughts! Darren and Christina chat about how the plan works, what life insurance product it utilizes, as well as the tax implications, how to spend tax free in retirement, and why this plan can be so powerful!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.130: The Most Dangerous Thing You Can Do with Money

On today’s episode, Darren and Christina are back with another Nelson Nash spotlight. They’ll be going over pages 66 and 67 of his book, Becoming Your Own Banker. Nelson talks about the retirement trap and what you need to do to have a successful life after work in retirement. Is your money for retirement protected? Tune in now to find out!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.129: 20 Reasons Canadians NEED Life Insurance

On today’s episode, Darren and Christina are breaking down all you need to know about life insurance, including the different types, why you need it, how it can benefit business owners, and of course the role it plays in the infinite banking concept. Tune in now!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.128: Investors Leaving Canada in Droves

On this week’s episode, it’s the June update and Darren and Christina are covering news on the Bank of Canada, the Canadian dollar, updates on the real estate and stock market, as well as some interesting news in the Bitcoin world. Tune in now!

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Podcast Christina Wyatt Podcast Christina Wyatt

Ep.127: LIVE from the 2024 Multi Family Conference in Toronto

We had an absolute blast at the 2024 Multi Family Conference in Toronto this past week and Darren and Christina sat down with some of the fantastic attendees as well as exhibitors and speakers to find out what they thought of the conference as well as their number 1 tip for real estate investors! Tune in now!

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